Adam Ankrum, DO
Adam Ankrum D.O. has been on the Big Island of Hawaii for over a decade. The cold weather from where he was raised in St. Paul, MN a distant memory. Des Moines University provided his medical degree and a wife (who is a family physician). Competed ER residency at Genesys Medical Center in Grand Blanc, MI. Following residency worked too many years near the frozen tundra of Lambeau field in Northern Wisconsin. While trying to stay warm, grew a family and started doing triathlons. Soon after had to scratch the Kona Ironman itch. Started working at Kona hospital but quickly jumped on the HEPA ship at North Hawaii Hospital. Now back working Kona Hospital once HEPA took that ship into its fleet, along with Kau Hospital. After over twenty years of triathlons and ER medicine, have slowed down but still enjoy ocean swimming, running and hanging out with my three sons.